Thursday, July 31, 2014

Poor Neglected Blog

Poor Neglected Blog I have tried to get interested 
and learn new things about you. 
I am sorry but I just cannot get into the groove. 
What can I do to spark the love between us? 

We have shared some coffee together and blog hopped.
We have spent days reading posts and commenting,

Tutorials on layout and graphics, it is a never ending 
series of edits and pixel adjustments.
Off center graphics and gadgets that make my eyes twinge, 
I cannot handle the awkwardness between us.

The thought of hiring professional help to mend our 
relationship has crossed my mind
and quickly went away as I was distracted by Facebook. 

I felt bad and decided today to give us one more try...
It just took me 10 minutes make your Gifs transparent 
and you still want more from me

Where is your moz and the webkit to make the shadows go away....

 ah well I am off to make dolls ;)