Thursday, December 19, 2013

Some house cleaning and rearranging the furniture going on ;)

Hi there ;) Pardon my wonky blog for a couple days while I tweak the layout and play with the graphics :D I will be adding many more pics of Art Dolls :) Hugs!! LuLu

December Tip for creating tiny Creative PaperClay® armatures

Stop by the Creative PaperClay ® blog for my Tip this month for creating tiny armatures in a totem pole fashion ;)

This tip is so super easy! No cutting no clipping no wire wrapping :D


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Steampunk Artist trading card frame Tutorial and a Giveaway ;)

Hi There I just posted a tutorial on Creative PaperClay® blog for this cute little frame ;)

I have a bunch of ACEOs and was trying to come up with a new way to display them. I thought a tree ornament frame would be fun and help me fill up my tree! ( it is 15' too big this year lol)

All you need is an art card or a small 3x2 photograph 
A plastic sleeve for art cards
Creative PaperClay®
tacky glue
some trinkets and paint.
and a wee bit of time

You can use this template to make any number of themes a dark goth frame, a cutesy
 frame;  really it is up to your imagination ;)
And You can enter my Giveaway for a chance to win this little frame and some other fun prizes on my 


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Looking Back and Being Thankful ;)

As I sit here on the computer while one of my sons has graciously accepted the challenge of Thanksgiving Dinner ;) I am compelled to think of the last year well heck the last few years. While I am certainly blessed with fantastic children and grandchildren (4 now!) I have to say I have been living my dream of creating art and having a connection with others through my art.

It has only been since 2010 that I started selling on Etsy with my needle felted creepy creatures and dolls. I never expected Dolls would become my life. As a child I never liked dolls. I preferred art sets, legos and boy toys, they were much more fun. lol

But along with all the fun certainly comes some sadness, such is life. Turmoil and unfortunate events strike every family at some point. People do not always see eye to eye and while the last few years have certainly been peaceful for me. I have had my share of carp come my way. So much so that I have a policy of staying out of the fray for the most part. I do not easily get agitated or my feathers ruffled. I prefer to play nice. Life is far too short and you just never know if the sun will come up tomorrow. 

This all brings me to clowns. yup clowns lol The tears of the clown. Sometimes the jolliest of us are the most sensitive… Sometimes being nice opens you up to jerks. 

I can honestly say that these little clowns, fools and jesters hold my heart. 

Over the last few years I have created over 40 of these poor tortured souls. Each time I sculpt one I feel a little bit of peace within myself, each story is a tiny reflection of somewhere I have been in my 46 years. Although they have all found homes far from me, truly a little bit of me has traveled with them ;)

Blessings to all

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Creating a "metal look" with Creative Paperclay ®

I use a lot of Creative Paperclay ® creations as accessories in my Art Dolls. The light weight and versatility lends itself very well to the art.  Here I have written a Tip about creating a faux metal look ;)
 I have all the steps for creating this look on your own Creative Paperclay®  projects :D

I hope you will pop over and check it out :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

HoHoHo Freckle faced elves :)

Hello! I will have a Shop Update tomorrow at 5pm pst. 11/12 for these 2 freckle faces elves :)

I am sure sad to see Halloween gone already and was not able to make my yearly pilgrimage to Disneyland to see Dear ole Jack (boohoo) lol 
But I have already gotten out the Christmas Decor and plan to create some bunting and penants out of the super size prints I have accumulated. Will Post pics! for sure :D
One of my daughters is coming up this week from San Diego and I will miss her on Christmas so we will be getting outré tree super early as well! haha Probably this weekend! Yikes! We will be cutting it down so hopefully it stays nice and green O_o 

MinaLu the Elf
190$ usd


Francie the Elf
 190$ usd


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mermaids have been spotted! A fish story to tell.

Hi there!
I have been working on a couple little mermaids for my Etsy shop update :D

They were caught swimming up river if you can believe that! We have had the occasional whale travel too far in the wrong direction, but I must say I have never seen mermaids lol
Ondine and Mishell have traveled far to make your acquaintance ;)

These two swimmers will be available tomorrow 11/8 at 2pm pst. in my Etsy shop

approx. 13" length
 tail can be gently posed and double jointed upper limbs ;)
They are land friendly no water needed (or wanted! haha)

185$usd each 


Creative Paperclay® My first project Acorn Elf

Hi there wanted to share some exciting news!
 I am a new member of The Creative Paperclay® design team and 
would like to invite you to check out my first project. I have a tutorial posted for these Acorn Elves :D 

They are created with cloth bodies and clay.
The project has a supply list and step by step instructions with lots of pictures.
 I would love to inspire you to create your own <3

Stop by check it out and I hope you will enjoy my little contribution to the Creative Paperclay® blog.
Hugs and Happy Autumn

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ghostly girl Art Dolls available today at 3pm pst.

Two Ghostly sisters who are drifting through the afterlife are looking for a permanent haunt ;)
each approx. 10" length double jointed so they are super pose-able ;)
they each wear silk slippers and are sculpted in pale porcelain cernit ;)
175$ each

Thanks for looking :D

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fish bones Tutorial from Creative Paper clay

Hey there! Ya it has been a long time... but I am still here hehe

I am going to post a little mini tutorial on my fish bones ;) using Creative Paperclay

My Art Doll Marina by the sea has many little bones hanging about her and I have had a lot of comments about her fish bones ;) They are super easy and are made with Creative PaperClay ;)

The other day I sculpted this mama Kittie and her 3 babies using paperclay and had to add something silly to her ;) I figured hey cats like fish so I will make more fish bones :)

mama Kittie sporting her fishbone earrings ;)

Here in her headpiece 

and this is how they are made

mini Tutorial :)
you will need

xacto knife
needle and thread

Using Creative Paperclay and an xacto knife cut triangular arrowheads for the head
follow with sequentially smaller chevron like shapes approx 4-5 to follow the larger head triangle
ending with a small chevron to create the tail bone.

let set for a few minutes depending on the temp of your home and how wet the paperclay is, could be 5 minutes or 20
do not let dry out completely ;)

Use a small sewing needle and any hand sewing cotton thread tie a nice knot at the end and sew through the tip of the head

keep adding the bones as you go until you get to the end.

snip the thread leaving a good length to handle the bones by.
I like to add a dot of glue at each bone then I paint with acrylics and coat with a matte sealer ;)

Thats it fish bones!
now go make some bones ;)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hello ;)

Hello ;) 
I have not been here for awhile... seems most posts start that way now.

If you have not seen me in awhile I am over on Facebook
(((I have been absent so long I can't find where to make a link poo)))

ok well I am going to make the desicion to not post here for a bit.. instead of feeling guilty and not finding the time I am just going to free myself from the added "have to post to my blog" things to do :( 

Please come visit me on Facebook I am there a lot, I like to chat too :) You can see tons of Doll pics, I post my WiP pics, links to my newsletter in case you missed it and I usually announce shop updates there first too. 

Blogger I promise.... we will still be friends ;)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ayala's Girl Linda ;)

Tiny Team Art Dolls Only Traveling Art Doll

Sweet Linda traveled to Wilma from Martha at

came to me from Wilma  at

She traveled from California to Australia and back to California before the final leg of her journey back home here in California. Still with me? hahaa I need to draw a diagram!
You can read about Wilma's work on Linda here 

So This is what me and Linda did while she visited my studio.
First off poor dear had no arms  ;)
Arms done~check
Not having any fabric like Wilma had done her body in; I used some burgundy sateen for her sleeves. It matched the leaves she had around her waist but wasn't quite there. I added a midriff top for a base to add a collar but didn't want to cover up all that great pattern on the fabric from Wilma.

We experienced some hair loss ;( just a bit at the top and the back but not to worry I stitched in some burgundy Tibetan and wow the colors started to make sense!

Linda told me of her travels and the heat in the box, her pale skin was sensitive to the sun so a proper hat was needed to finish her off ;)
Some of the extra leaves that traveled with her in the box was just what her hat needed ;)
((Her hat is not attached :D))

Bye bye Linda Back home you will travel ;)

 It has been a great experience working with these Two artists and Their creations <3


Friday, April 26, 2013

Shop Update 4/26 at 4pm pst. Dark and Dusty Nursery Rhymes ;)

Ghostly Nursery Rhymes
I made these eyes and thought they were pretty creepy ;)No pupils and well that just says dead or ghost to me lol Originally I thought I would make them into shadowbox dolls; but by the time I finished with their bonnets they could not fit comfortably inside one of my boxes. At 14" height they stand alone haha well with their creepy friends Bo comes with a little needle felted lamb and her hook of course ;)
Miss Muffet comes with her spider a length of fence and her comfy tuffet ;)
Bo Peep Did not really lose her sheep she knew exactly where to find them 
In the butchers shed they were mostly half dead.
When Bo came running after them. 

She loved a good lamb chop as much as the rest her decision to sell at her families request

The squeals of the lambs did make her heart stop

but couldn't bear for her favorite lamb to end up in a pot

When the butcher protested she felt some rage her hook went flying into the butchers rib cage.

The struggle ensued until the last sound Bo heard was a snap
She saw herself falling and her head went Craaacckk.

She felt some relief as the butcher fled
Her favorite lamb saved although she was dead.

Bo Peep One of a kind Ghostly Nursery Ryhme 

225.00 USD 
Bo is approx. 14" length with her huge bonnet ;) She has paper millenary flowers and a tiny bird in her bonnet. Vintage trims, antique hook and eyes, Vintage and new fabric handmade eyes a little needle felted sheep (her favorite)
A Sheep hook and leather shoes ;D All tea stained too.

Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet but did not care for the taste of her curds and whey.

Her stomach started to churn her throat began to burn when a strange spider started creeping her way.

She thought she would heave if the spider did not leave this was all too much to take.

She looked at the fence and thought she could pull of a stake to smack the spider away.

But the spider sat down and looked at her frown 
He thought she didn't look right. 

In a blink of an eye he gave her vittles a try.

And they both stared at each other with a great fright.

Their heads began to bobble their legs were a wobble.

But only she fell from this life.

The spider he sat and had him a great snack and then he wobbled away.

Miss Muffet. 225.00 USD
Approx. 14" length to the tip of her bonnet. She wears vintage trims and dupioni silk. antique hook and eyes paper millinery flowers atop her head ;)little leather shoes too. She comes with her polymer and wool spider a comfy tuffet and a length of shabby fence. All tea stained :D

 And every bedtime story needs a bear ...little Copper Bear ;)

75.00 usd approx. 9" height has wired legs and can be made to sit or stand.


Thanks so much for having a look!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

ADO Traveling Art Doll

"Team Tiny"

The ADO Art Dolls Only Traveling Doll is something I have wanted to participate in for some time. Becoming a member of ADO about 6 months ago I had been anxiously awaiting this super fun event! 
My First Doll arrived and wow was I in love! She is created by ADO member Wilma Simmons 

First off she is made of Cloth and I don't know if this is common but she stands! I mean this girl is so well balanced she just holds her own ;)
So I enjoyed staring at her for a couple days before I dared to mess with her lol. Being that cloth dolls are not my usual medium I was a bit perplexed (and nervous) how to...well attack ;) 

Her body is made from some funky fabrics and colors so I dug through my fabric stash for something not too clashing but something not dull cause this girl screamed dress me fun!
Staying in my shabby torn style I pulled out my trusty black and white striped trim and started with a collar. A skirt followed and she was looking almost like a jester. Then I thought well what is her point? What is her deal here?

And soon Flowers.. From one of the prints on her arm I thought she is the Joy of flowers ;)

Again looking through my flower stash I found flowers in purples and blacks that just jumped out to be with her :D 
Vintage Orange seam binding 

And I just couldn't stop myself....I know She has to travel to the next artist I needed to leave something But out came the orange Tibetan for some hair ;)

Hairdo done.....ah I am loving her soo much and feel like a bit of me well a lot of me was tossed in hahah!

Her next Stop 

Ayala I left her face alone for you hehe

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25th Clowning Around Shop Update preview

I am really getting addicted to the standing dolls lol I have been sketching them out and thinking up subjects  to make in the future ;)

 I like these two standing girls because they are a bit shorter than the others at 10" and they have "bases" but just for the fun of it. They do not need them to stand at all :D 

And then there is Perrot Poupee a boy Clown doll with bright blue eyes ;) His hair is grey locks and he wears all black and white stripes. His little leather shoes have a fun scrolled detail too ;)
185.00 usd approx. 12" Length "double jointed"


Rousseau Poupee
took her performances seriously and wanted to give her best, but I think you can still see some angst and apprehension in her face ;)
approx. 10" free standing with posable arms
195.00 usd comes with circus base but does not need it to stand ;)


Petit Poupee was having a hard time finding her spot in life. The cirque was just supposed to be temporary but season after season here she is.....

Petit Poupee
195.00 usd
approx. 10" standing posable arms comes with circus base but does not need it to stand.

Steampunk BlackBird
this little birdie was created for the ADO March "animal" challenge

She will be listed too for 75.00 usd approx 8" sitting and has posable arms